将棋の定跡 振り飛車

by Kazuya Maeda

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It is an application that summarizes the opening book of chess pretend rook.

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中飛車、四間飛車、角交換四間飛車、三間飛車、石田流、ダイレクト向かい飛車、相振り飛車等、将棋の振り飛車の定跡をまとめたアプリです。#中飛車中飛車とはその名の通り、盤の中心である5筋に飛車を振る戦型です。従来は受け指向の振り飛車とされていましたが、近年ではゴキゲン中飛車や先手中飛車など、角道を止めずに積極的に動く中飛車が開発されており、振り飛車の代表戦法として人気のある戦型です。#四間飛車四間飛車は振り飛車の一種で、左から4列目(四間)に飛車を振ることから四間飛車と呼ばれています。攻守ともにバランスの取れた戦法として、プロアマ問わず人気のある戦法です。その歴史は古く、現存する最古の棋譜である大橋宗桂 対 本因坊算砂の対局(1607年)に四間飛車が現れています。現代では角道を通したまま飛車を振る、角交換四間飛車も流行しています。#三間飛車三間飛車は振り飛車の一種で、左から3列目(三間)に飛車を振ることから三間飛車と呼ばれています。四間飛車との違いとしては左銀の活用がしやすいことや、急戦に対し予め7筋を受けているため、手得できる点などが挙げられます。#石田流石田流は江戸時代中期に存在した盲目の棋士、石田検校が編み出した戦法と言われています。飛車を三間に振った後に浮き飛車に構え、銀角桂と共にさばく軽快な戦法です。当時は奇襲の色が濃かったものの、升田幸三実力制第四代名人が考案した升田式石田流や、現代の多くの棋士達による新手の発見により、現在は本格振り飛車戦法のひとつとして広く用いられています。# 向かい飛車向かい飛車とは、先手なら8筋、後手なら2筋に飛車を振る戦法です。双方の飛車が向かい合う形となり、飛車先の攻防が要となる戦型です。鬼殺し向かい飛車、阪田流向かい飛車、メリケン向かい飛車等、奇襲戦法に多く用いられているのも特徴です。#相振り飛車相振り飛車とは双方が飛車を振る戦型で、相居飛車を左右反転したような将棋になります。縦の攻めを交えた戦いになることが多く、定跡もあまり整備されていないことから、力戦模様になることの多い戦型です。各手順については下記の書籍を参考にさせて頂きました。・藤井猛九段著「四間飛車の急所」「四間飛車を指しこなす本」「相振り飛車を指しこなす本」・渡辺明永世竜王著「四間飛車破り」・羽生善治永世名人著「羽生の頭脳」1〜3巻・杉本昌隆七段著「対振り革命 中飛車左穴熊」・北島忠雄七段著「相穴熊最先端」・中田功七段著「コーヤン流三間飛車の極意」・豊島将之七段著「豊島将之の定跡研究」・菅井竜也七段著「菅井ノート 先手編」・戸辺誠六段著「石田流の基本」・中村太地六段著「速攻!ゴキゲン中飛車破り」・金井恒太六段著「対急戦矢倉必勝ガイド」・大石直嗣六段著「ダイレクト向かい飛車徹底ガイド」・村田顕弘五段著「最新戦法マル秘定跡ファイル」・門倉啓太四段著「角交換四間飛車徹底ガイド」・石井健太郎四段著「四間飛車の逆襲」本アプリはオフラインでも使用することが可能です。Medium rook, Shiken rook, corner exchange Shiken rook, Mima rook, Ishida flow, direct opposite rook, phase pretend rook, etc., is an application that summarizes the opening book of chess pretend rook.# In the rookThe medium-rook as its name suggests, is Senkei shake the rook to 5 muscle, which is the center of the board. Past, had been the receiving-oriented pretend rook, etc. In recent years, good mood in the rook and the first move in the rook is a rook in moving aggressively without stopping the corner road been developed, popular as a representative tactic of pretending rook It is a Senkei.# Shiken rookShiken rook is a kind of pretend rook, it is called Shiken rook from shaking the rook from the left in the fourth column (Shiken). As balanced tactics of balance to the offense and defense both, is a popular tactic regardless of Pro-Am. It has a long history, to the remote station of the oldest game record that existing Sokei Ohashi pair Honinbo calculated sand (1607) is Shiken rook will not appear. In modern times shake the rook while through the corner road, also prevalent corner exchange Shiken rook.# Mima rookMima rook is a kind of pretend rook, it is called Mima rook from shaking the rook from the left in the third column (Mima). Shiken and be easier to take advantage of Hidarigin as the difference between the rook, because it has received a pre-7 muscle for Kyusen, it is like that you can hand obtained.# Ishida flowIshida flow has been said that the tactics that blind players that existed in the mid-Edo period, Ishida Kengyo devised. Poised to float rook after the shaking between the three a rook, it is nimble tactics desert along with the silver Sumikei. Although at that time the color of the surprise attack was darker, Masuda and Kozo ability regulations fourth generation master is Masuda formula Ishida flow has been devised, by the discovery of a new method by a number of players who of modern, is now widely used as one of the full-scale pretend rook tactics are we.# Facing rookThe opposite rook, 8 muscle if first move, is a tactic to shake the rook to 2 muscle if iron. Become a form in which both the rook is facing, is Senkei the offense and defense of the rook destination is the cornerstone. Demon killing facing rook, Sakata flow facing rook, such as brass knuckles facing rook, is also characteristic that is often used to surprise attack tactics.# Phase pretend rookIn Senkei that both the phase pretend rook swings the rook, will shogi, such as the phase residence rook was reversed from left to right. Often become battle with the inclusion of the vertical of the attack, from the fact that not much maintenance is also opening book, is a lot of to become a war pattern Senkei.We were allowed to book the following reference for each procedure.Takeshi Fujii Kudan al., "Shiken rook of Key points", "Shiken Konasu refers to the rook book", "book Konasu refers to the phase pretend rook"Akira Watanabe eternity Ryuo al., "Shiken rook-breaking"- Yoshiharu Habu eternity expert al., "Brain of Hanyu" 1-3 Vol.Masataka Sugimoto seven-stage al., "Versus pretend revolution in rook left badger"- Tadao Kitajima seven-stage al., "Phase badger state-of-the-art Nakata Konana stage al., "The secret of Koyan flow Mima rook"· Masayuki Toshima seven-stage al., "Opening book study of Masayuki Toshima"- Tatsuya Sugai seven-stage al., "Sugai notebook first move Edition"· TohenMakoto 6th dan al., "Basic of Ishida flow"Nakamura Taiji 6th dan al., "Haste! In good mood rook-breaking"Kanai HisashiFutoshi 6th dan al., "Versus Kyusen Yagura victory Guide"Oishi Choku嗣 6th dan al., "Direct facing rook thorough guide"Murata AkiraHiroshi Godan al., "The latest tactics confidential opening book file"· Keita Kadokura 4-dan al., "Corner exchange Shiken rook thorough guide"Kentaro Ishii 4-dan al., "The Wrath of Shiken rook"This application is can also be used offline.Migrate to AndroidX